Climb Log 10/17/2020

Pretty light session at LRC mostly showing around some friends that hadn't done a ton of outdoor. Typical warmup at fire flake, which felt much more fraught than usual due to the specter of COVID, although I was pleasantly surprised by how many folks were masked up. All the classics were of course busy, but we did manage to spend some time on super mario. Blasted out a few new v1's just to get some rock experience for the other folks, then on the way back to the front (admittedly quite tired) we put some goes into unusual suspects v4, which was pretty fun. Unusual for me to enjoy a dynamic move like that, but its a fun problem if quite soft for the grade.

I did put 2 goes into sternum (which i all but had last year) and it felt really bad. Forgot basically all of my beta. Was pretty hard to guage how strong I am relative to last year when I just didn't have the beta down. Thankfully another friend reminded me that we had videoed a ton of goes on it last year so I should be able to recover some learnings from that.

Cautiously optimistic about the season, but I definitely have a lot more training to do if I want to get anywhere.